style sketch for a casual outfit in shades of blue: cool blue skies

Style sketch of a casual outfit in shades of blue, with a pale blue tee, marine blue scarf, & dusty indigo cardigan, with Wraptillion's small modern circle earrings in navy. Text on image reads: + faded jeans + hiking boots + sunglasses = cool blue skies

Today I’m dreaming about quiet hikes under chilly blue skies on a winter beach. A cozy indigo cardigan, my favorite faded jeans, and the hiking boots that will take me anywhere, with a basic blue tee. A marine blue scarf and Wraptillion’s easy modern Small Circle Earrings in Navy finish it off. (Well, until I decide which color to paint my nails today…)

Wraptillion's modern silver-tone small circle earrings in navy blue

see all colors of Wraptillion’s Small Circle Earrings

small circle earrings by wraptillion shown in six colors: red, pale rainbow, navy blue, gray, orange, and black, all with a silver-colored circle frame, on hypoallergenic titanium french hook ear wires

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dark gray text on white background reads style sketches by wraptillion
closeup photo of one of Wraptillion's small modern silver-tone circle earrings in navy blue modeled

shop all colors of Wraptillion’s Small Circle Earrings

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Compiled image with a style sketch of a casual outfit in shades of blue, with a pale blue tee, marine blue scarf, & dusty indigo cardigan, with Wraptillion's small modern circle earrings in navy, a closeup modeled photo of the same earrings, and additional color choices for the small circl earrings.